Get Involed


First, PRAY for the Angel’s Heartbeat team. Prayer is often under estimated and usually is set aside. We believe when the Body of Christ connects with prayer, anything can happen in our missions.

Second, GIVE. This year we are asking for supporters who will commit to sow a seed to help purchase instruments this year. Angel’s Heartbeat will send you our “Mission Trip Report” newsletter, that will inform you in detail of the ministry’s operations. If you have partnered with us, we cannot thank you enough for your continued commitment to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you have not yet partnered with us, we ask that you prayerfully consider becoming a Partner and TOGETHER let’s show the world the truth and the goodness of Christ. Through Him we can lead the lost to Christ, heal the sick, and feed the children. You can also receive our e-Newsletter by subscribing to our Email Lists.

Third, REGISTER. Follow us on Instagram. You will be notified to see upcoming events, crusades, and missions for the year. Simply email us from our Contact page and we will reply with information.