Faith Healings



Last year during a street Crusade they came upon a man who could neither see nor hear. Hands were laid upon him along with heartfelt prayer right there in the middle of the street. When they were finished praying for him the man could hear. Praise be to God!

Missions of mercy are a way of life with the Sejour family and with God’s helping Hand, will continue to be.

Heading up evangelical crusades is a daunting, rewarding, and endless task. It requires countless hours and a dedicated commitment. But helping those with little hope is worth every moment spent in prayer, tears, and effort. During these crusades Jean has witnessed the conversion of sinners to Saints and has seen firsthand, the power of the Holy Spirit at work in his Ministry.

During these missions of mercy countless people have received healing and comfort from all types of maladies to include simple headaches to Demonic possession. On more than one occasion Demons were expelled from those seeking the healing Hand of God. Praise be!

Jeremiah 30:17 “For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the LORD;”